Disc tray does not open or opens intermittently


If the player does not respond to an eject command from the remote control, press the physical eject button on the front of the player itself. If the player ejects the disc tray, you may need to reset the player's remote control code.


  1. 1. Remove the battery compartment cover from the back of the remote control.
  2. 2. Just below the remote's batteries, there is a switch with three different remote     code selections: 1, 2, and 3.
  3. 3. Change the remote code from its current setting (the default is 1).
  4. 4. Eject the disc tray using the player's front panel eject button.
  5. 5. Point the remote at the player's front panel and hold down the Enter key for 5     seconds.
  6. 6. Attempt to close the disc tray by pressing the Open button on the remote     control.
  7. 7. If the tray closes after resetting the remote code, no further action is required. If it does not, the remote control itself may be at fault. In this case, first try replacing the remote control's batteries. If the issues persist, contact OPPO Customer Support.

If the player is still unresponsive, unplug all HDMI cables from the player and attempt to eject via the front panel eject button again. If the disc tray ejects, use an alternate HDMI cable to reconnect the player to the rest of your system. It is possible that a defective HDMI cable can render the machine inoperable.





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